Comments by Rosario
Vice President of Nicaragua
in the Noon Edition of Multinoticias
on Channel 4
January 10th 2024
A very good afternoon, Comrade. We are living through Historic Days, Times of Peace and Goodness, Times of Victories… Always victorious this People of ours, full of Faith and Love, this People of ours that has striven for Peace, and has achieved Peace and pulsates in tune with the Good Hearts and Good Wills, the Good Hope that reigns in so many parts of the World where Peoples strive to overcome. We fight to Win, and We Go Onward, Always Further On!
Days of History, of Memory… How can we not reflect upon all this Way we have traveled, how can we not be inspired by the Great Battles, the Great Combats, that out of Love and with Love we have always lived always coming through. Because every moment of this National History, which it has fallen to us by God’s Grace to live through, in which it has fallen to us by God’s Grace as a Courageous People to star, is a Glorious Story, a Story that inspires us every day, moving us onward; we are strengthened by the example of so many People, so many Families who have given everything for us all to live as we do today, in Peace, in Tranquility, with Security, moving onward.
How many schools were built in the first stage of the Revolution, and how many wicked people worked to destroy what was being built. Schools, Health Centers, Production Cooperatives, Hospitals, everything was built to improve Life, but evil, perversity, the same old demons, with masks and costumes perhaps different from one moment to the next, came to destroy what was built.
And we come to another moment after many, many Battles, Combats, Struggles… How much terror they sowed! Hatred and terror, evil, ill will, malice, selfishness, greed, avarice, servility, all that they sowed. And how much our People, Heroic and Victorious, defended the Right to Live in Peace, building the Future we deserve, the Right to live in a Sovereign Country, in a Country of such Spiritual Power, in a Country that has given us, a fertile Land that has given us a Rubén, a Benjamín, a Sandino, an Andrés, a Diriangén, a Nicarao… So many Heroes!
How much ground we have covered with all our Rights restored by the Hand of the People, by the Heart of the People, by History, Memory and the Glory of every day strengthening Love, and then overcoming hatred, terror, lies, slander, defamation, and the desire to destroy, the servile desire. Because there are those who are born with the soul of a slave.
No matter how rich they are, no matter how much they have, they are born with the Soul of a slave, and slavery leads them to servility, and especially to servility to those whom they believe are powerful; they might be powerful materially, but the Great Spirit of our People is really Powerful, Powerful in what counts, which is the Steadfast Soul we have. Power, Power, that’s a Miracle, a Miracle which is what Nicaraguans bring about.
17 years ago we arrived, striving, struggling, overcoming, and we started, again, to build, to live building so as to Live Better, and that’s what we’ve been doing. And it has been well worth it! We are going to ask the Institutions of this Government of the People-President to add it all up: How many Health Centers we received, how many we have now; how many Health Posts, how many Hospitals, how much High-Tech Health Equipment; how many Mobile Clinics that did not exist back then, how many Specialized Health Events that did never existed, and we have carried all this out in these Years of Blessing and Victories.
Schools, Literacy, Continuity of Education… Technical, Technological Schools, Universities, in the countryside and in the cities, how little we had then and how much we have today, and how much more we will have, God Willing, through the Union that is the Strength of Everyone!
Orlet’s talk about Streets and Highways, everyone sees them, everyone celebrates them, and we feel blessed, because we know that all these Works of Progress, of Prosperity, these Prodigious Works, are the expression of God’s Great Power in our Nicaragua. The Great Power of God that some deny, because they do not serve God, they serve Devils, but not the playacting devils dancing in the streets that are part of our Folklore and our Traditions.
Rather the real Demons, the Satans, the Lucifers, those are the Devils served by people who do not love their Nation, their Soil, their Land, their Culture, their Tradition, their Heroes, which are our Land, our Culture, our Traditions, our Heroes, our Memory, our History, our Glory.
We serve God and recognize Him in every Work of Progress. The Great Power of God made manifest in everything, everywhere… Thousands of Homes, thousands of Parks for Children’s and Families recreation; thousands of Sports Facilities, just in this year 500 will be built, so far have we come… along with many thousands of Houses of Culture, of Creativity.
Trade Schools, Art Schools, out in the Countryside, in the most remote communities and hamlets… How many did we have back then? How many fire stations were there? 36. How many do we have now? More than 300…
That is the Great Power of God manifesting itself in Works that embody Love, and offer Good Reasons. Because our People deserve to live better and better. Because the People, with their daily work, with their effort, with their sweat, guarantee us all
the chance to getting ahead, to make our way, through Work, with Creativity, with Intelligence, with Capacity, with Strength… the Strength of Victories!
And we never tire of listing those Works that embody Love, and which are also Good Reasons. We are talking about so much, we are talking about markets, for example, since everyone goes to the Market, the People go to the market, we all go to the market, and as we go to those markets they need to be in better shape. Especially for our traditional, Cultural celebration… How much Culture! How much Celebration of Popular Culture, of our People’s Religious Faith!
There, as we learned from childhood, God is in Heaven, on Earth, everywhere, God is in everything that is done to improve Everyone’s Life. That is Christianity, that is Loving our Neighbor, that is, truly, the greatest expression of Compassion, Solidarity, Brotherhood: Love of Neighbor!
God is there indeed, and we were saying and singing: «Come, faithful, let us worship Christ the Redeemer…» Christ the Redeemer, who rises up, redeeming himself every day with all these
expressions, innumerable expressions of Love, Brilliant, Powerful, Mysterious and Miraculous!
Loving God above all things and our Neighbors as ourselves. We are all ourselves, we are all Neighbors and we are all filled with that Love of God who gives us the Strength, the Fortitude, to fight all the Battles, defending Peace, defending National Dignity, defending Sovereignty, advancing in the midst of ambushes and traps that are always end up discovered; with the masks dropping to show the true faces of hatred.
There are those who believe that dressed up in fake Holiness they will be able to continue deceiving. But Holiness is a serious and true thing, how difficult it is to achieve it… How difficult! That’s why I talk about fake Holiness, false Love, phony so-called pious preaching. Political agents, that’s what they are, and of the worst kind of politics.
Politics that do not serve the Common Good, that do not serve the construction of well-being, politics that destroy, that kill, that sets things on fire, the politics of looting, politics that hand over, surrender the Nation, perverse politics, that are not politics worth the name. So when we call them political agents, in fact they are agents of perversion.
Here, 17 years after the People returned to the Presidency and to the Nicaraguan State, as President, as Head of the Nicaraguan State, we have done so much, hand in hand with God, we have built with God’s Hand, we have been blessed by God’s Hand. And thus we make our way.
We know there are always rough, difficult roads, but after all, with the Light of that Powerful, Universal Spirit, that formidable
Energy that fills our Nicaragua, here we go onward, there we make our way, capable, coherent, consistent, and above all determined to keep moving forward, consolidating the Peace and the Well-being of Nicaragua’s Families.
17 Years, we are going to render an account of what there was then and what there is now, and we are going to consolidate it all in a publication, so that we can see ourselves reflected as a People that fulfills God’s Will, and see reflected the Magnificence of God, by our People and in no way the agents of the Devil.
That is not God, I say it again, theirs is not the Face of God! The Face of God is there in all the advances of the Good, Fraternal, Loving, Family, Community, Humble yet Prodigious Life that we have in this Nicaragua that belongs to all Nicaraguans of Good Will, such that together we are this Great Power of Spirit, of Art, of Culture, of Tradition, of Courage… our Tradition of Courage and of National Pride and Dignity!
Te puede Interesar: Declaraciones de Rosario Murillo Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua (09-01-24)